Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Men wearing makeup?

Men wearing makeup?

Not the usual topic you get to discuss with your friends both male and female. But what do you think about it?

About six months ago when I was in Kuala Lumpur, I bought Clinique Men’s cover stick correcteur/concealer. The problem is, I think I bought the wrong color since it was lighter than my skin tone. But it wasn’t a huge issue, I only had to make sure that I don’t over-apply. I still have it in my closet up to this day, and I’ve used it only a few times to cover my dark circles.

I don’t use it everyday, but hey, it really works and this thing is really undetectable.

Last April when I flew back from a one-month vacation in the Philippines, I noticed a huge difference in my face. My skin was rough, pores were more visible and I had dark circles. My eye bags were also very puffy, probably because I partied almost every night and didn’t have enough sleep.

Since I was going back to work the next day, I had to find a way to at least look like the way I was when I left. Before coming in the office, I went to the office restroom, tapped the tip of the Clinique concealer stick and slowly wiped it under my eye. The color immediately blended with the lighter shade of my skin. The dark circles? They were miraculously gone. It took about three minutes of trying to dab the make up carefully, making sure that they were undetectable. My eyes looked really smaller since I’ve always pictured the dark circles around it as part of the entire eye itself. I looked at the mirror for the last time and made sure that the color under my eyes was now similar to the rest of the skin in the face. When I was satisfied, I walked inside the office where everyone made the usual gesture of tapping you in the back and saying “Welcome back, did you have a nice time?” or “Where did you go? Was it nice there?”.

Then a couple of comments really made the entire concealer thing worth it. One of them said, “you look really rested. That’s good.”, and another one said “you look so good and refreshed! You probably got pampered! I need a vacation just like what you had.”

None of them looked at my eyes in a weird/suspecious way, so this for me was a relief. And although my boss was not interested in how I looked and talked to me about work right away, during our discussion, I couldn’t help but get into a realization that the concealer actually made an instant visible change in my appearance.

I don’t use it now though, since dark spots surrounding my eyes have all disappeared, and unwanted spots have been leaving me alone. But it is really good to know that in case of emergency, or when I need to look refreshed and well rested, I could easily grab my clinique concealer and hide away those unwanted imperfections.

For now, I just make sure that I don't forget to moisturize (Nivea soft- non greasy) every morning and every night before I sleep. This is a routine that men and women should do. Aside from keeping your skin healthy, it keeps away possible wrinkles in the future.

So should men wear makeup? The answer is yes, but not everyday.

What other makeup is okay for men?
Send your feedback to: dubaidiscreetdude@gmail.com

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