Wednesday, August 12, 2009

High school

My high school life was a bit turbulent. I especially remember:

1. Being confused if I had a crush on my friend’s sister, or had a crush on him.

2. Unfortunately learned to smoke cigarettes

3. Tried pot

4. Swapped x-rated vhs tapes with classmates

5. Cut class to go drinking at the local beer or billiards store with friends and cut class just for the heck of it

6. Stayed away from the effeminate gay herd (no offence meant to them, it was high school and I felt it was necessary)

7. Hung out with the popular group of guys (even though you don’t exactly play basketball like them)

8. Chose someone pretty and talk about her when friends talk about school crushes

9. Snatched my dad’s porn magazines

10. Kissed a girl, who later realized there was something off and just forgot about everything.

11. Received an award at school

12. Felt really horny looking at my hot male classmate

13. Became the favorite student of at least one teacher

… and all other high school DD stuff. It was unnerving at times, but those things made me what I am now.

This was the time that I discovered that I was actually gay and didn’t like to be effeminate. This was also the time that I realized that I prefer the Asian-looking guys rather than the Caucasian ones just by looking at the preference I had when watching porn.

High school made me what I am today. And yes, there were those times that I had to fail, be embarrassed, became a target, made a target of someone, bullied weak people, had to endure friends’ doubts, went through denial, had to lie, disturbed and became homophobic. These were essential in one of high school’s most obscure ambition- to give us a preview of what life is going to be.

I guess if I created this entry as if it was a checklist, most Discreet Dudes would check majority of it.

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