Saturday, August 8, 2009

GI Joe

Last night, we watched GI Joe at Mercato.
We didn't watch the movie just because Channing Tatum was
in it..

But if you think he's worth it, click here to get a good view of Channing.. might not be safe for work.

The movie was awesome. The plot, concept, cast and the special effects (except for the obviously-animated looking polar bear and digitally inserted background in the desert base scene) were excellent.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks that The Doctor was sort of a hybrid of Snape and Darth Vader? There were moments I would have swore he was in the verge of pulling out a wand.. or a light saber.

The young version of Snake Eyes was awesome though.

For a kid, I thought he kicked ass really well in the big screen. The other Japanese kid
was good too, but not that noticeable.

Sienna Miller was a bit ordinary. I thought that role could have been portrayed by a better and sexier actress. But she still nailed it.

And Channing? I bet he's returning in the sequel. How else will the producers pull it off if it they wouldn't have him?

I'll give the movie a 4 stars out of 5.

Go watch GI Joe! It's worth it.

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