Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Discreet Dudes and Basketball

I’ve never really been into sports. The thought of holding a ball and shooting it on a ring just didn’t appeal to me. And I don’t prefer volleyball either. Or any sports for that matter.

So how did I go through gym class? Simple. I learned the basics, and went with the flow.

When I was in high school, gym classes for the juniors and the seniors were all about playing basketball. Normally, the instructor would gather all of us, discuss about the sports for a few minutes, throws two sets of balls in the court and leaves. The first lesson was dribbling which most of us back then already knew how to do (thanks to my dad). Then shooting the ball. It was all so simple. Try not to run without dribbling, make sure you pass it to the right person, and try your very best to shoot the ball in the ring.

I remember seeing four of my gay effeminate classmates would always hang out together in one corner projecting the image of being tired so they didn’t have to join. I, on the other hand, would hang out with a bunch of people who aren’t gay (the way they look at least), and we would chill in one corner talking about last night’s episode of X-Men. There really isn’t room for all the students to play anyway, right? So there will always be a few who needs to sit and just talk.

Midterms were three free throws.. all the time. So it was a breeze for me. I usually make at least two of the shots, so I’ve always had good grades.

I believe that most discreet dudes are not made for sports. We are not nerds, but we aren’t the cool guys either. Most of us would excel in public speaking, essay writing, usually part of the campus paper, members of the media club and one of the class officers. Nobody depended on our physical capabilities, but we were not disregarded or ignored either. Our cliques were more like- the popular in-betweens.

In some of my closest circle of discreet friends, I would always ask everyone how they went through gym class. Some of them would say that they sucked, some would say that they play really well. While sometimes, I can really say that most of those who claim that they played the sports well are actually lying, I just think about my own experience and say, “Even I wasn’t bad at all.”

So, how did you go through your high school gym class?

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