Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to properly apply perfume

So how do you apply perfume?

Spray it all over your shirt and some on your neck, right?


Don't you wonder why sometimes your perfume works effectively that you can smell it until you go home from work and sometimes it disappears by mid day?

I'm currently using CK IN2U
Well, there is actually a proper way of applying perfume. Here's how.
1. Body sprays and perfumes should be applied to pulse areas, neck and obviously your body. This is a good thing to do since our skin’s heat amplifies the scent of our perfume.
2. Avoid rubbing the scent on your palm. Let the perfume dry naturally on your skin to preserve the scent. Most perfumes lose their scent after rubbing so leave it to dry after spraying.
3. Avoid spraying on clothes. Aside from risking to stain your clothes it is difficult to remove the scent especially when you overspray it.
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