Sunday, August 1, 2010

Body Combat

I've been obsessed with Body Combat lately. Infact, I like it so much that I can do it every day.

I recently enrolled in Fitness First Dubai in Burjuman and finally took charge of my cigarette-smoking body and to at least sweat out the excessive calories that I take everyday.

Body Combat is so cool. It's a group exercise that combines punching and kicking to create an intense exercise and workout. It's awesome!

I couldn't help but notice a few gay guys that flock in the session. Most of them Filipinos. I know some of them by face, since they are facebook friends of some of my friends. But I never really had the guts to talk to them.

I usually go with a friend who lingers the place until 11pm (closing time) since I think he doesn't have a life. I think he stays to shower for thirty minutes, sit in the steam room for an hour and make his hair for another hour. I, on the other hand, just take a shower and go home or see my friends for a quick dinner or coffee.

The Body Combat session is usually one hour, and I pair it up with another one-hour session of Body Pump (which involves group weight lifting) which adds up to two hours of intense work out everyday. But of course I only go four times a week.

So back to the gay guys that I see inside the session, I am pretty surprised that most of them can really throw a fist in the air. Even more convincing than the real-life straight guys that are also in the group.

One of them, I'm totally psyched about, is this Chinese-looking guy who attends the session with no fail, and who kicks and punches like Rocky Balboa. I swear to God that if I was single, I’d give him the look and the wink.

So try Body Combat! You'll be surprised with how much you'll love it. The Dubai Discreet Dude does.