Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
PLU (People Like Us)
Just like how there are thousands of classifications in the animal species, there will be sub-classifications for gays and lesbians. For the gays, there are those that choose to be straight-acting, the loud flamboyant ones, the effeminate group, the cross-dressing gays, etc.
For the lesbians, there will be the lipstick lesbians (straight-acting), the butch type and the tomboy-acting type but refuses to wear men's clothes. There might even be more!
But let's focus on the straight-acting gay guys that are not open about their sexuality. How exactly do you find out if he's one of us?
Here is a checklist that you might want to use:
1. Does he play basketball?
Don't get me wrong. Some of us might, and some of us might actually be good. But in the 26 years that I have spent my life here on earth- I've never met a single discreet gay guy who
plays basketball. Not one. But I'm not downplaying the possibility that there might be a very small (i'm sure of that) percentage that will like playing the sport.
For me, Basketball just doesn't work. I tried playing it with my dad before when I was younger, but it just didn't work out. Both of us grabbed a bike and bonded in a different way
instead. My dad figured the sports wasn't for me, but it wasn't a big deal. I'm not sure how the story goes for the rest of the discreet gay community, but this is one big chunk you might wanna
consider looking at if you are in doubt if a friend of yours is gay. Find a creative way of throwing out this question without being too obvious.
2. Perez Hilton
Being gay is being gay, no matter what your classification is. We all love gossip, and we like how Perez Hilton throws those punch lines while talking about Gossip Girl or the Sex and the
City girls. If someone you doubt visits this website, x17 or TMZ as part of their routine, then there is a huge possibility that you are dealing with discreet gay guy.
3. Girls
When you are done trying to force yourself to become what you are not, and after an embarrassing discovery by some of your friends that you were lying after all because you are
actually gay and not straight, you'll get tired of this style and choose not to talk about girls instead. Being fake has its own consequences. And these consequences are not easy to sleep with. So discreet gay guys will not talk about girls. We will probably agree that yes, that girl is pretty, this girl is hot, etc. But we will not talk about details on sex- avoid talking about girls-
avoid flirting with them. We've had enough of that.
4. Music
Since the straight crowd wouldn't understand why you listen to Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Regine Velasquez etc. we discreet gay guys avoid showing off our ipod collection. We would
probably create a playlist where all the safe music are stored and play that when friends are around and you have to play music loudly. As much as possible, I'd like people to keep away from my ipod. We wouldn't be too keen on Madonna too (since she's for the loud crowd), but we know that Cristina Aguilera and Britney Spears had this big competition, and we chose a side. Linkin
Park and Creed also appealed to us, because their music sounds so straight, yet we somehow know that it's a bit gay. Straight acting music that is.
5. Facebook
pictures Did you find a picture that is taken from an upper angle with the subject looking up while at the same time showing off his half-naked body? Can you find an album featuring only a
collection of his portrait, which most of the time will consist of pictures taken from one side of his face, and looks oddly the same each photo but with a different background? only gay guys do
that. Also, the status can say "In a relationship", but you don't see anyone consistently close to him when checking out the pictures.
6. Reality Shows, Ugly Betty, Glee and Gossip Girl
We don't talk about it, but we certainly follow Project Runway, ANTM and all those reality TV shows. They are entertaining, and most of them tackle fashion. The creative side of every
discreet gay is developed by watching all these shows. No straight guy wants to watch this crap because for them, the drama is too much, and no amount of hot models is going to make up for all that sewing and fashion styling.
Gossip Girl, Glee (especially that part where they sang "Don't stop Believing") and Ugly Betty are also nice. But nobody knows that except us.
7. Tell me who your friends are
I'm more comfortable when I'm going out with my discreet-gay friends, probably because you I get to share other things that i don't share with my straight friends. Most of our friends will
also be girls, or guys that are of the silent type who are not likely to confront us with ridiculously direct questions and uncomfortable conversations that we can't relate.
8. An Imaginary Ex Girlfriend
When asked if we currently have a girlfriend, the answer is always "I went out with one but we just broke up". Another one would be, "I'm currently dating someone", but you don't get
to see it. Most likely, if that's the answer that you'll get, this dude is a discreet gay.
And lastly, based on my experience, that dude he's always going out with but mysteriously doesn't appear anywhere in his networking site? That's his boyfriend.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Merlin is back on BBC for it’s second season.
And since I can’t get BBC here in Dubai, I settle with downloading the series on Torrent sites and watching them over my LCD TV with some friends.
Merlin is a British television series that began last year. It’s based on the legend of Merlin and his relationship with Prince Arthur. Its action packed, each episode’s got a good plot and the characters and the villains are always interesting. Prince Arthur here is really good looking, and Merlin is the average dude that is still worth your stare if you cross him on the streets. The relationship that both of them share develops into a deeper one- which according to the legend- Arthur becomes king and Merlin becomes his wizard. Or both of them could end up being lovers.. yeah, I wish. But with the way that they stare at each other in each episodes, the producers seem to somewhat aim at making the gay viewers’ imagination wild.
Watch it. It’s highly addictive.
If you will like Merlin, also try out Legend of the Seeker. The first season just folded and they are working on a second one.
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